iPhone update

applemapsI’ve just updated from an iPhone 3GS to an iPhone 5. So far I’m really liking it, especially how light it is compared with the 3GS.

But I feel compelled to weigh in on the Apple Maps debacle. How bad is it? Really bad. Without even trying I quickly found 4 examples from my local area. I shudder to think how many errors would be found if looked hard!

[This content was originally posted to Google+]

Fictional map

I loved the free city circle tram service in Melbourne. The route map in the back of the free Melbourne visitors book was somewhat fictionalized though, missing some tramstops that do exist, and including some that don’t exist.

[This content was originally posted to Google Buzz, #168]

Sensory overload

I visited a multilevel consumer sensory overload facility on the weekend (otherwise known as a Westfield shopping centre) and had difficulty in locating a particular shop. I grabbed a centre complex map from the info desk and was disappointed to find that it had no compass bearings or scale!

I suppose it’s all part of the design of prolonging your time inside in the hope of extracting more cash from the wallet.

Note to Westfield: please consider issuing visitors to your facility with emergency beacons that can be activated in times of sensory overload and severe disorientation, so that SWAT teams of consumer advocates can come to the rescue of dazed and confused shoppers.

[This content was originally posted to Google Buzz, #144]