I couldn’t have done it without them

While the political process lurches on in Canberra, democratic machinations proceed in other parts of the country, and after a hard fought battle, factional backroom deals, and
intense lobbying – last week I was elected as website administrator of the Society of Frogs
and Reptiles. Well actually I was elected unopposed, being the only nominee.

lizardsHowever my sincere thanks do go to “Little Squirt” and “Mr Big” – for truly and honestly I would have never attained the position without them.


We discovered today that we have a tawny frogmouth owl nesting in a tree in our backyard. Cool. Sadly, the reason we discovered this was by finding a baby owl that had died and fallen from the nest, (Or possibly the other way round.) There is at least one other baby owl in the nest, so here’s hoping it hangs on.

Update: It did.

[This content was originally posted to Google Buzz, #185]