I just solved a tricky SharePoint 2010 problem at work for a particular user who, whenever they clicked on a Microsoft Office document to open it, Internet Explorer would hang. Other documents such as PDF’s would open OK.
In the end I found that the problem was caused somehow by the Logitech SetPoint software that had been installed relating to the Logitech mouse that the user had. Uninstalling the SetPoint software made the problem go away.
This is exactly what I just found with my recently re-imaged laptop. I just recently had my laptop re-imaged from Win-XP to Win-7. Today, I just discovered, after installing the 64-bit SetPoint software, that SharePoint would hang on the first document (PowerPoint, .pptx, in my case) opened. If the hung task was killed, or another IE session started, the document would open right away. In most cases, the hung IE session wouldn’t even show focus to controls on the page when the mouse rolled over them, and I had to kill the hung session via task manager. I would really, REALLY like to know what’s going wrong because I’d really like to use the mouse with its driver for side-side scrolling.