One of the things I hate about the commercial world’s quest for newness, is that quite often when I’ve found a product I like, the next time I go to buy it, it’s no longer available because ‘new’ (but not necessarily better) versions are available.
For the last ten years I’ve had a pair of Hi-Tec Altitude hiking boots that have been the best footwear I have ever owned. After constant use over the years I needed to replace them and so went searching for the Hi-Tec brand again, but fully expecting that I would have to navigate and decide from a new range of boots. I walked into Kangaraoo Tent city at Tuggerah today and lo and behold, there was the identical boot, in my size, sitting on the discontinued lines shelves, with a discount, in fact $20 less than I paid ten years ago. Brilliant! After a momentary panic of not being able to locate the matching right boot (it had been packed away in the wrong box) I walked out a very happy camper.
A happy shoe buying story – and for anyone that knows me, you will know that is nothing short of astonishing.
[This content was originally posted to Google+]
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