On the North Lambton hill in the background, three streets are visible going up the hill – on the left hand side is Dent St, on the right hand side is Morehead St, and the thinner shorter street in the middle is Grainger St.
In the modern photo, Dent St and Grainger St are hidden by houses and trees, but Morehead St is still visible.
Camera location was just above where Ralph Snowball lived, which was on the south side of Collaroy Rd, between Wickham Rd and Baker St, and backing on to Owen Lane. Snowball would’ve gone out his back door and walked up to Russell Rd to take the photo (I don’t know if Russell Rd was named at the time, let alone more than a dusty track). I grew up on Russell Rd up near Brett St, just opposite Mr Hunter P Brett’s house, which was also photographed by Snowball.