I met up with Paul Zuljan on the weekend, who grew up in Lambton, and we went looking for some places he remembered from his youth, one of them being the old Skyline drive-in theatre. I vaguely knew where it had been located, but in looking at the following map from 1960, the outline of the theatre is clearly marked.
I overlaid this map into Google Earth …
… then put an outline around the area, and now the location of the drive-in relative to the modern landscape is clearly visible.
If you have Google Earth installed, you can download the KMZ file for the overlay and outline.
I remember watching ‘Santa Claus, the Movie’ there in my dads bright yellow Spectron at the time. What memories… Now that it’s Christmas time, all I want to watch is THAT movie.
Lachlan, my father had a business in Sydney, called Hunt and Moon Coolrooms. He and his partner built the first Cool room for the new Drive In . First Drive In in Australia,or NSW I believe at the time. I was thrilled when I moved to Newcastle, and got to checkout where it had been. We lived at Carss Park in Sydney at the time they built it.(ps:I’m from All Saints Anew, too)
Thank you very much for the map and info. We move in to our new house next week and it is part of the old drive in.