Words, but not as we know them

Further proof that while insurance companies might use the same English words as ordinary people, they’re speaking a different language.

ContradictoryWordsIn an e-mail about a policy renewal they say in the first paragraph (emphasis added by me)

We’re now offering you the opportunity to renew your policy

But in the second paragraph say

For your continued protection and to ensure that your insured property remains covered, we’ll automatically renew your policy and deduct the premium from your account.

Which is utterly contradictory to the first paragraph. Given that I never gave permission for Youi to automatically renew the policy, and having already switched to another cheaper insurance provider (because Youi was a long way from being the cheapest) it was somewhat of a surprise on checking my credit card statement to find that my car was now insured twice!

On calling Youi they cancelled my policy and said that I would get a full refund, with the usual cancellation fee to be waived. Checking my credit card statement later I found that I had only received a partial refund, and had been charged a cancellation fee. Another phone call to them and they promised to sort it out and refund the cancellation fee. It took another 5 days to receive that refund.

Youi are marketing themselves as the company where you save. From my experience the only way “Youi” and “save” go together is if you save yourself time, money and bother by steering clear of them.

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