Then and Now 10


Lambton NSW 1904

Lambton, looking south from North Lambton hill. University of Newcastle Cultural Collections.



Additional Information

Lambton Lodge

Croudace St slopes right to left up the hill. In the top right hand corner, Lambton Lodge, the home of Thomas Croudace can be seen. This house is now part of the hospital complex.

Red Lion Inn

The former Red Lion Inn (corner of Morehead St and Newcastle Rd) can be seen in the 1904 photograph, and in the lower photograph.

Site of Electric Light Generating station?

Site of Electric Light Generating station?

I believe that the empty site in the middle of this picture is the where the generating station for the electric lights in Lambton was located. The generators were situated between Young St (now Newcastle Rd) and High St, in a former quarry. The electric lighting scheme sent the council bankrupt, and the generators were sold off in 1904 and the building housing them demolished. An earlier photo of the generating station from 1890 (below) taken looking north from Young St/Newcastle Rd shows a long thin rectangular building behind it, and I believe this is the same rectangular building that can be seen in the photo above.

Lambton Electric Light Generating Station

Lambton Electric Light Generating Station 1890. Photo by Ralph Snowball. Newcastle City Council Hunter Photo Bank.

A close up from another photo of Lambton from 1900 (below), looking north, shows buildings that match the photo above.
Location of Lambton electric light generating station.

Location of Lambton electric light generating station.

3 thoughts on “Then and Now 10

  1. I recently discovered my third great grandfather had the licence for the Red Lion Hotel/Inn briefly back in 1878. I’d actually been curious about that building on the corner as I live in Lambton, and now I know what it is. This family history caper is fascinating. Thank you for your work on this!

  2. This is great work I have seen all these photo’s and also read your work on the old Electricity Station in Lambton, I am very interested in the History of Lambton as some of my family came from Lambton and I worked there for a few years and got to know it well. I grew up in Birmingham Gardens. You have done a great job in putting this all together congratulations.

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